Biometrics is the use of physical characteristics to identify or verify someone. Iris recognition is a biometric technology that uses an individual's iris to identify them.
Biometrics are the identification methods based on biological patterns of human beings. Iris scanning is a biometric method applied for personal identification through analyzing unique structures of eyelids. It uses special scanners connected to computers to capture images of the eye. Then computer software analyzes these captured pictures. A mathematical algorithm calculates the distance, location, size and pattern of features found in the eyes of a specific individual.
Biometrics is the use of physical characteristics to identify or verify someone. Iris recognition is a biometric technology that uses an individual's iris to identify them.
Iris recognition uses infrared light to scan the iris of the person. This is the unique pattern of veins in the iris that allow the system to recognize the person.
With the risks to privacy and safety, additional protections must be used in biometric systems. Biometric Access Control can offer your business many key benefits.
The convenience is one of the biggest benefits of biometric authentication. It is much easier and faster to use the iris instead of a paralo or pin that should be remembered.
Biometric systems are a safer and more secure way to identify people. They are more difficult to fake and are more resistant to spoofing.Biometrics bring many advantages when it comes to access control.The technology can provide a frictionless entry experience when utilizing facial or iris recognition to control access secure areas within a building.
The use of the iris for recognition and identification of an individual remains the industry leading biometric for accuracy, ease of use and the preferred choice of biometric identification in a range of applications. The use of the iris for recognition and identification of an individual remains the industry leading biometric for accuracy, ease of use and the preferred choice of biometric identification in a range of applications.
Enabling government agencies to implement large-scale identity management, including biometric data, to enhance process security and protect the identity of each registered individual. It provides advanced enrollment for issuing secure credential documents such as ID cards and driver's licenses.